Following a massive sting operation on the 14th of July 2010 supposedly planned by Swedish police and the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and also involving the Thai police the 29 year old Swedish citizen Kim Roger Eriksson Sirawan was arrested in his and his wife’s home in Rayong Province, Thailand.
(Videoclips and images at the Media Page)
The 29th of November 2010 he was charged with manufacturing for sale and possession for sale of the type 1 drug, methamphetamine. He is being held without any bail options inside the infamous Klong Prem Prison. (Wikipedia – Klong Prem) Court dates are set for 14-17th of June 2011.
“If we win the case, there is only one sentence possible, that is the death sentence”, the prosecutor told the Scandasia reporter Gregor Möller in an interview in November 2010. (Scandasia article)Thomas Lilius acting in porno-movie
From the shadows, other ominous facts have emerged: It is becoming evident that the DEA together with Swedish police have planned the operation and involved the Thai police in executing the whole sting operation. By using Thailand as the location, the US and Swedish officials could avoid many “problems” concerning illegal and immoral methods banned in their own countries – where cases of entrapment violate basic human rights.
(Wikipedia – European Convention about human rights, Wikipedia – Entrapment)
DEA infiltrator Thomas Lilius
The DEA manipulated and finally staged this crime and the subsequent case by using a infiltrator: Pornography actor (Link 1, Link 2 and Link 3) and chemist (Labglas AB) Thomas Lilius (Youtube clip 1, clip 2 and clip 3). It seems that Lilius was recruited by the DEA in exchange for his involvment in what is known as the Triple X bust (Missing felon from US Triple X drug bust).
Much of these facts have not been included in the case file handed over by the prosecutor to the Thailand Criminal Court. ( The whole case)
The Swedish Police (Nordic Police Alliance) in Bangkok) have so far refused to show the defence documents related to the case.
The Swedish Justice Department denies any knowledge of this case.
( Request to Nordic Police in Thailand) and
( Request and rejection Rikskriminalpolisen)
Kims trial was held June 14-17, 2011. A number of strange things soon became evident. According to the surveillance report Thai police had taken photos of Kim, his wife and a “foreigner” when they made purchases of lab equipment and chemicals. At the time the photos were taken, the police evidently had information indicating that methamphetamine was going to be produced. One would think that police would take an interest in this unknown foreigner (Mr Thomas Lilius), but no investigation whatsoever was made. Or as Police Colonel Sivapong Patpongpanich testified:
-There was no investigation about who that male farang is, where he came from and why he accompanied the Defendant.
One might ask why?
The testimony of forensic specialist at the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, Miss Kanyanun Kongpasaniroj, revealed a few very compromising facts.
1) The Office of the Narcotics Control Board refused to release the test results to the Court so these could be studied and subsequent cross-examination of the witness take place.
2) There no longer remains any of the 53 grams of meth that allegedly was produced in Kim’s house.
Acccording to a reference manual the amount used for Thin Layer Chromatography is: Using a 5mg/ml solution, use a 1 µl spot and a 5 µl spot of sample solution. And for Gas Chromatography: Weigh accurately 25 to 150 mg of sample, depending on the anticipated purity. Since the purity of the meth that allegedly was produced could be expected to be high, only 25 mg would be necessary.
The potential number of lab-runs that could be performed with 53 grams can be counted in the ‘000:s using either method. Still, for some reason the main evidence of the case against Kim is no longer available, AND was not even available at the time of Kim’s trial.
Once again, one might ask why?
3) Another fact that was revealed is that no analysis of the meth was made with respect to which method had been used to synthesize it. A few days after the raid, a recipe (that is not listed among items found in Kims house on the day of the raid) for making ice was added to the list of evidence. No one seems to be able to say where, when and how this was found, which makes it quite suspect. But still no analysis of whether the 53 grams were produced by this method or not, was made. You would think that such an analysis would be basic in all forensic work.
Why was this not done?
The crucial question to be asked is: Was there really any ice produced on July 14, 2010? Or were 53 grams of methamphetamine planted in the lab? If the recipe that is said to have been found in the lab had been used there should really have been more than just 53 grams – there should have been at least twice as much.
Kim’s sentence
On Thursday 22 September 2011, the judge at the Criminal Court of Bangkok read the verdict in the case Thailand vs. Mr. Kim Eriksson Sirawan. The judge sentenced Mr. Eriksson Sirawan to death penalty for production and procession of methamphetamine, “ice”. The sentence was immediately commuted to life imprisonment due the fact that Mr. Eriksson Sirawan had been cooperative through the case and has not denied the existence of equipment suitable for chemical production in his home in Rayong. ScandAsia
Kim’s Appeal
On December 31, 2011 Kim’s appeal was submitted. This focuses on a few main issues.
1) That the key witness – Thomas Lilius – could not be heard. Nor could any DEA representative be heard in order to shed some light on the planning of this case of entrapment.
2) The forensic evidence – or more correctly – the lack of forensic evidence meant that Kim’s right to a fair trial has been infringed. The fact is that today there exists NO evidence of there ever having been any meth found in Kim’s house. No evidence other than Miss Kanyanun Kongpasaniroj’s word. And is that really enough fo a court to condemn a man to life imprisonment?
3) No attention seemed to have been payed to the Swedish inquiry that was submitted as evidence. In this inquiry Swedish police officers state quite clearly that Thomas Lilius was involved and that he had been payed by the DEA, as well as the DEA dropping charges aginst him for his role in the Trple X bust. So it is beyond doubt that if there ever was any meth made on July 14, Lilius was the person who had the know-how to make it. Without him there would never had been any illegal substance made.
Meer informatie kunnen jullie vinden op de website van Justice for Kim.